调试 C++ 协程


出于性能和其他架构原因,Clang 编译器中的 C++ 协程功能在编译器的两个部分中实现。语义分析在 Clang 中执行,而协程构造和优化在 LLVM 中间端进行。

然而,这种设计迫使我们生成不足的调试信息。通常,编译器在 Clang 前端生成调试信息,因为调试信息高度依赖于语言。但是,这对于协程帧来说是不可能的,因为帧是在 LLVM 中间端构造的。

为了缓解这个问题,LLVM 中间端试图生成一些调试信息,但不幸的是,由于中间端缺少大量语言特定信息,这些信息是不完整的。



由于 C++20 协程的最新性质,用于描述协程概念的术语尚未确定。本节定义了一种通用的、易于理解的术语,以便在本文档中一致地使用。





std::vector<Task> Coros; // Task is a coroutine type.
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
  Coros.push_back(CoroTask()); // CoroTask is a coroutine function, which
                               // would return a coroutine type 'Task'.

在实践中,我们通常在上面的例子中说“Coros 包含 3 个协程”,虽然这并不完全正确。更准确地说,应该说“Coros 包含 3 个协程实例”或“Coros 包含 3 个协程对象”。



C++ 标准使用“协程状态”来描述分配的存储。在编译器中,我们使用“协程帧”来描述生成的包含必要信息的数据结构。



struct {
  void (*__r)(); // function pointer to the `resume` function
  void (*__d)(); // function pointer to the `destroy` function
  promise_type; // the corresponding `promise_type`
  ... // Any other needed information







// For all the promise_type we want:
class promise_type {
+  unsigned line_number = 0xffffffff;

#include <source_location>

// For all the awaiter types we need:
class awaiter {
  template <typename Promise>
  void await_suspend(std::coroutine_handle<Promise> handle,
                     std::source_location sl = std::source_location::current()) {
        handle.promise().line_number = sl.line();

在这种情况下,我们使用“std::source_location”在“promise_type”中存储 await 的行号。由于我们可以从协程的地址定位协程函数,因此我们也可以通过这种方式识别挂起点。

这里的缺点是,这是以增加运行时成本为代价的。这与 C++ 的“按需付费”哲学一致。


调试协程的另一个重要要求是打印异步堆栈以识别协程的异步调用者。由于协程类型的许多实现都在 promise 类型中存储“std::coroutine_handle<> continuation”,因此识别调用者应该很简单。“continuation”通常是当前协程的等待协程。也就是说,异步父级。

由于“promise_type”可以从协程的地址获得,并且包含相应的 continuation(它本身是一个带有“promise_type”的协程),因此打印整个异步堆栈应该很简单。




// debugging-example.cpp
#include <coroutine>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>

struct task {
  struct promise_type {
    task get_return_object();
    std::suspend_always initial_suspend() { return {}; }

    void unhandled_exception() noexcept {}

    struct FinalSuspend {
      std::coroutine_handle<> continuation;
      auto await_ready() noexcept { return false; }
      auto await_suspend(std::coroutine_handle<> handle) noexcept {
        return continuation;
      void await_resume() noexcept {}
    FinalSuspend final_suspend() noexcept { return {continuation}; }

    void return_value(int res) { result = res; }

    std::coroutine_handle<> continuation = std::noop_coroutine();
    int result = 0;

  task(std::coroutine_handle<promise_type> handle) : handle(handle) {}
  ~task() {
    if (handle)

  auto operator co_await() {
    struct Awaiter {
      std::coroutine_handle<promise_type> handle;
      auto await_ready() { return false; }
      auto await_suspend(std::coroutine_handle<> continuation) {
        handle.promise().continuation = continuation;
        return handle;
      int await_resume() {
        int ret = handle.promise().result;
        return ret;
    return Awaiter{std::exchange(handle, nullptr)};

  int syncStart() {
    return handle.promise().result;

  std::coroutine_handle<promise_type> handle;

task task::promise_type::get_return_object() {
  return std::coroutine_handle<promise_type>::from_promise(*this);

namespace detail {
template <int N>
task chain_fn() {
  co_return N + co_await chain_fn<N - 1>();

template <>
task chain_fn<0>() {
  // This is the default breakpoint.
  co_return 0;
}  // namespace detail

task chain() {
  co_return co_await detail::chain_fn<30>();

int main() {
  std::cout << chain().syncStart() << "\n";
  return 0;



# debugging-helper.py
import gdb
from gdb.FrameDecorator import FrameDecorator

class SymValueWrapper():
    def __init__(self, symbol, value):
        self.sym = symbol
        self.val = value

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.sym) + " = " + str(self.val)

def get_long_pointer_size():
    return gdb.lookup_type('long').pointer().sizeof

def cast_addr2long_pointer(addr):
    return gdb.Value(addr).cast(gdb.lookup_type('long').pointer())

def dereference(addr):
    return long(cast_addr2long_pointer(addr).dereference())

class CoroutineFrame(object):
    def __init__(self, task_addr):
        self.frame_addr = task_addr
        self.resume_addr = task_addr
        self.destroy_addr = task_addr + get_long_pointer_size()
        self.promise_addr = task_addr + get_long_pointer_size() * 2
        # In the example, the continuation is the first field member of the promise_type.
        # So they have the same addresses.
        # If we want to generalize the scripts to other coroutine types, we need to be sure
        # the continuation field is the first member of promise_type.
        self.continuation_addr = self.promise_addr

    def next_task_addr(self):
        return dereference(self.continuation_addr)

class CoroutineFrameDecorator(FrameDecorator):
    def __init__(self, coro_frame):
        super(CoroutineFrameDecorator, self).__init__(None)
        self.coro_frame = coro_frame
        self.resume_func = dereference(self.coro_frame.resume_addr)
        self.resume_func_block = gdb.block_for_pc(self.resume_func)
        if self.resume_func_block is None:
            raise Exception('Not stackless coroutine.')
        self.line_info = gdb.find_pc_line(self.resume_func)

    def address(self):
        return self.resume_func

    def filename(self):
        return self.line_info.symtab.filename

    def frame_args(self):
        return [SymValueWrapper("frame_addr", cast_addr2long_pointer(self.coro_frame.frame_addr)),
                SymValueWrapper("promise_addr", cast_addr2long_pointer(self.coro_frame.promise_addr)),
                SymValueWrapper("continuation_addr", cast_addr2long_pointer(self.coro_frame.continuation_addr))

    def function(self):
        return self.resume_func_block.function.print_name

    def line(self):
        return self.line_info.line

class StripDecorator(FrameDecorator):
    def __init__(self, frame):
        super(StripDecorator, self).__init__(frame)
        self.frame = frame
        f = frame.function()
        self.function_name = f

    def __str__(self, shift = 2):
        addr = "" if self.address() is None else '%#x' % self.address() + " in "
        location = "" if self.filename() is None else " at " + self.filename() + ":" + str(self.line())
        return addr + self.function() + " " + str([str(args) for args in self.frame_args()]) + location

class CoroutineFilter:
    def create_coroutine_frames(self, task_addr):
        frames = []
        while task_addr != 0:
            coro_frame = CoroutineFrame(task_addr)
            task_addr = coro_frame.next_task_addr()
        return frames

class AsyncStack(gdb.Command):
    def __init__(self):
        super(AsyncStack, self).__init__("async-bt", gdb.COMMAND_USER)

    def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
        coroutine_filter = CoroutineFilter()
        argv = gdb.string_to_argv(arg)
        if len(argv) == 0:
                task = gdb.parse_and_eval('__coro_frame')
                task = int(str(task.address), 16)
            except Exception:
                print ("Can't find __coro_frame in current context.\n" +
                      "Please use `async-bt` in stackless coroutine context.")
        elif len(argv) != 1:
            print("usage: async-bt <pointer to task>")
            task = int(argv[0], 16)

        frames = coroutine_filter.create_coroutine_frames(task)
        i = 0
        for f in frames:
            print '#'+ str(i), str(StripDecorator(f))
            i += 1


class ShowCoroFrame(gdb.Command):
    def __init__(self):
        super(ShowCoroFrame, self).__init__("show-coro-frame", gdb.COMMAND_USER)

    def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
        argv = gdb.string_to_argv(arg)
        if len(argv) != 1:
            print("usage: show-coro-frame <address of coroutine frame>")

        addr = int(argv[0], 16)
        block = gdb.block_for_pc(long(cast_addr2long_pointer(addr).dereference()))
        if block is None:
            print "block " + str(addr) + "  is none."

        # Disable demangling since gdb will treat names starting with `_Z`(The marker for Itanium ABI) specially.
        gdb.execute("set demangle-style none")

        coro_frame_type = gdb.lookup_type(block.function.linkage_name + ".coro_frame_ty")
        coro_frame_ptr_type = coro_frame_type.pointer()
        coro_frame = gdb.Value(addr).cast(coro_frame_ptr_type).dereference()

        gdb.execute("set demangle-style auto")
        gdb.write(coro_frame.format_string(pretty_structs = True))



$ clang++ -std=c++20 -g debugging-example.cpp -o debugging-example
$ gdb ./debugging-example
(gdb) # We've already set the breakpoint.
(gdb) r
Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
detail::chain_fn<0> () at debugging-example2.cpp:73
73      co_return 0;
(gdb) # Executes the debugging scripts
(gdb) source debugging-helper.py
(gdb) # Print the asynchronous stack
(gdb) async-bt
#0 0x401c40 in detail::chain_fn<0>() ['frame_addr = 0x441860', 'promise_addr = 0x441870', 'continuation_addr = 0x441870'] at debugging-example.cpp:71
#1 0x4022d0 in detail::chain_fn<1>() ['frame_addr = 0x441810', 'promise_addr = 0x441820', 'continuation_addr = 0x441820'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#2 0x403060 in detail::chain_fn<2>() ['frame_addr = 0x4417c0', 'promise_addr = 0x4417d0', 'continuation_addr = 0x4417d0'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#3 0x403df0 in detail::chain_fn<3>() ['frame_addr = 0x441770', 'promise_addr = 0x441780', 'continuation_addr = 0x441780'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#4 0x404b80 in detail::chain_fn<4>() ['frame_addr = 0x441720', 'promise_addr = 0x441730', 'continuation_addr = 0x441730'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#5 0x405910 in detail::chain_fn<5>() ['frame_addr = 0x4416d0', 'promise_addr = 0x4416e0', 'continuation_addr = 0x4416e0'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#6 0x4066a0 in detail::chain_fn<6>() ['frame_addr = 0x441680', 'promise_addr = 0x441690', 'continuation_addr = 0x441690'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#7 0x407430 in detail::chain_fn<7>() ['frame_addr = 0x441630', 'promise_addr = 0x441640', 'continuation_addr = 0x441640'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#8 0x4081c0 in detail::chain_fn<8>() ['frame_addr = 0x4415e0', 'promise_addr = 0x4415f0', 'continuation_addr = 0x4415f0'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#9 0x408f50 in detail::chain_fn<9>() ['frame_addr = 0x441590', 'promise_addr = 0x4415a0', 'continuation_addr = 0x4415a0'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#10 0x409ce0 in detail::chain_fn<10>() ['frame_addr = 0x441540', 'promise_addr = 0x441550', 'continuation_addr = 0x441550'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#11 0x40aa70 in detail::chain_fn<11>() ['frame_addr = 0x4414f0', 'promise_addr = 0x441500', 'continuation_addr = 0x441500'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#12 0x40b800 in detail::chain_fn<12>() ['frame_addr = 0x4414a0', 'promise_addr = 0x4414b0', 'continuation_addr = 0x4414b0'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#13 0x40c590 in detail::chain_fn<13>() ['frame_addr = 0x441450', 'promise_addr = 0x441460', 'continuation_addr = 0x441460'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#14 0x40d320 in detail::chain_fn<14>() ['frame_addr = 0x441400', 'promise_addr = 0x441410', 'continuation_addr = 0x441410'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#15 0x40e0b0 in detail::chain_fn<15>() ['frame_addr = 0x4413b0', 'promise_addr = 0x4413c0', 'continuation_addr = 0x4413c0'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#16 0x40ee40 in detail::chain_fn<16>() ['frame_addr = 0x441360', 'promise_addr = 0x441370', 'continuation_addr = 0x441370'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#17 0x40fbd0 in detail::chain_fn<17>() ['frame_addr = 0x441310', 'promise_addr = 0x441320', 'continuation_addr = 0x441320'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#18 0x410960 in detail::chain_fn<18>() ['frame_addr = 0x4412c0', 'promise_addr = 0x4412d0', 'continuation_addr = 0x4412d0'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#19 0x4116f0 in detail::chain_fn<19>() ['frame_addr = 0x441270', 'promise_addr = 0x441280', 'continuation_addr = 0x441280'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#20 0x412480 in detail::chain_fn<20>() ['frame_addr = 0x441220', 'promise_addr = 0x441230', 'continuation_addr = 0x441230'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#21 0x413210 in detail::chain_fn<21>() ['frame_addr = 0x4411d0', 'promise_addr = 0x4411e0', 'continuation_addr = 0x4411e0'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#22 0x413fa0 in detail::chain_fn<22>() ['frame_addr = 0x441180', 'promise_addr = 0x441190', 'continuation_addr = 0x441190'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#23 0x414d30 in detail::chain_fn<23>() ['frame_addr = 0x441130', 'promise_addr = 0x441140', 'continuation_addr = 0x441140'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#24 0x415ac0 in detail::chain_fn<24>() ['frame_addr = 0x4410e0', 'promise_addr = 0x4410f0', 'continuation_addr = 0x4410f0'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#25 0x416850 in detail::chain_fn<25>() ['frame_addr = 0x441090', 'promise_addr = 0x4410a0', 'continuation_addr = 0x4410a0'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#26 0x4175e0 in detail::chain_fn<26>() ['frame_addr = 0x441040', 'promise_addr = 0x441050', 'continuation_addr = 0x441050'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#27 0x418370 in detail::chain_fn<27>() ['frame_addr = 0x440ff0', 'promise_addr = 0x441000', 'continuation_addr = 0x441000'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#28 0x419100 in detail::chain_fn<28>() ['frame_addr = 0x440fa0', 'promise_addr = 0x440fb0', 'continuation_addr = 0x440fb0'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#29 0x419e90 in detail::chain_fn<29>() ['frame_addr = 0x440f50', 'promise_addr = 0x440f60', 'continuation_addr = 0x440f60'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#30 0x41ac20 in detail::chain_fn<30>() ['frame_addr = 0x440f00', 'promise_addr = 0x440f10', 'continuation_addr = 0x440f10'] at debugging-example.cpp:66
#31 0x41b9b0 in chain() ['frame_addr = 0x440eb0', 'promise_addr = 0x440ec0', 'continuation_addr = 0x440ec0'] at debugging-example.cpp:77



(gdb) show-coro-frame 0x4412c0
  __resume_fn = 0x410960 <detail::chain_fn<18>()>,
  __destroy_fn = 0x410d60 <detail::chain_fn<18>()>,
  __promise = {
    continuation = {
      _M_fr_ptr = 0x441270
    result = 0
  struct_Awaiter_0 = {
    struct_std____n4861__coroutine_handle_0 = {
      struct_std____n4861__coroutine_handle = {
        PointerType = 0x441310
  struct_task_1 = {
    struct_std____n4861__coroutine_handle_0 = {
      struct_std____n4861__coroutine_handle = {
        PointerType = 0x0
  struct_task__promise_type__FinalSuspend_2 = {
    struct_std____n4861__coroutine_handle = {
      PointerType = 0x0
  __coro_index = 1 '\001',
  struct_std____n4861__suspend_always_3 = {
    __int_8 = 0 '\000'



inline std::unordered_set<void*> lived_coroutines;
// For all promise_type we want to record
class promise_type {
    promise_type() {
        // Note to avoid data races
    ~promise_type() {
        // Note to avoid data races

在上面的代码片段中,我们将每个存活协程的地址保存到名为 lived_coroutinesunordered_set 中。与之前一样,一旦我们知道协程的地址,我们就可以推导出函数、promise_type 以及框架的其他成员。因此,我们可以从该集合中打印出存活协程的列表。
