
此检查会对调用 std::uncaught_exception 发出警告,并将它们替换为调用 std::uncaught_exceptions,因为 std::uncaught_exception 在 C++17 中已被弃用。


#define MACRO1 std::uncaught_exception
#define MACRO2 std::uncaught_exception

int uncaught_exception() {
  return 0;

int main() {
  int res;

  res = uncaught_exception();
  // No warning, since it is not the deprecated function from namespace std

  res = MACRO2();
  // Warning, but will not be replaced

  res = std::uncaught_exception();
  // Warning and replaced

  using std::uncaught_exception;
  // Warning and replaced

  res = uncaught_exception();
  // Warning and replaced


#define MACRO1 std::uncaught_exception
#define MACRO2 std::uncaught_exception

int uncaught_exception() {
  return 0;

int main() {
  int res;

  res = uncaught_exception();

  res = MACRO2();

  res = std::uncaught_exceptions();

  using std::uncaught_exceptions;

  res = uncaught_exceptions();